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文章来源:  发布时间:2015-09-01 08:37:28  浏览次数:[]






1. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-10-0111)

2. 大杜鹃对灰喉鸦雀的巢寄生及其协同进化研究(31071938)

3. 海南山鹧鸪和海南孔雀雉的繁殖生态学研究(30860044)

4. 棕头鸦雀卵色多态性的地理变异及其进化适应性(31272328)

5. 八声杜鹃与长尾缝叶莺的协同进化研究(C040302)


1.Longwu Wang, Canchao Yang, Anders P. Møller et al. 2015. Multiple mechanisms of egg recognition in a cuckoo host. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 69:1761-1767.

2.Longwu Wang, Canchao Yang, Yu-Cheng Hsu et al. 2012. Increase of clutch size triggers clutch destruction behaviour in common moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) during the incubation period. Behaviour, 150: 215-223.

3.Longwu Wang,Wei Liang, Canchao Yang et al. 2015.Egg rejection and clutch phenotype variation in the plain prinia (Priniainornata). Journal of Avian Biology, in press.

4. Canchao Yang*,Longwu Wang*, Shun-Jen Cheng et al. 2014. Nest defenses and egg recognition of yellow-bellied prinia against cuckoo parasitism. Naturwissenschaften, 101:727–734. (*Contributed equally to this work)

5. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang,min chen et al. 2015. Nestling recognition in red-rumped and barn swallows. Behav Ecol Sociobiol, 69:1821–1826.

7. Jiangping Yu,Longwu Wang, Xiaoying Xing et al. 2015. Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) differentiate between common cuckoo and sparrowhawk in China: alarm calls convey information on threat. Behav Ecol Sociobiol, DOI 10.1007/s00265-015-2036-4

7. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang, Wei Liang et al. 2015. Do common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) possess an optimal laying behaviour to match their own egg phenotype to that of their Oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) hosts? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, in press.

8. Canchao Yang, Min Chen, Longwu Wang et al. 2015. Nest sanitation elicits egg discrimination in cuckoo hosts. Anim Cogn, 18:1373–1377.

9. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang,Shun-Jen Cheng et al. 2013. UV reflectance as a cue in egg discrimination in two Priniaspecies exploited differently by brood parasites in Taiwan. Ibis, 155: 571-575.

10. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang,Wei Liang et al. 2014. Nest sanitation behavior in hirundines as a pre-adaptation to egg rejection to counter brood parasitism. Anim Cogn. DOI 10.1007/s10071-014-0806-4.

11. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang, Shun-Jen Cheng et al. 2014. Deficiency in egg rejection in a host species as a response to the absence of brood parasitism. Behav Ecol. (2014), 00(00), 1–10.

12. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang,Min Chen et al. 2014. Nestling recognition as a strategy to counter brood parasitism in red-rumped swallows (Hirundo daurica). Behav Ecol Sociobiol. (In press)

13. Canchao Yang,Longwu Wang, Aiwu Jiang et al. 2014. Coevolution between common tailorbirds (Orthotomus sutorius) and plaintive cuckoos (Cacomantis merulinus): further evidence for disruptive selection on egg phenotypes. Behav Ecol Sociobiol.. (In press)

14. Wei Liang, Canchao Yang,Longwu Wanget al. 2013. Avoiding parasitism by breeding indoors: cuckoo parasitism of hirundines and rejection of eggs. Behav Ecol Sociobiol, 67: 913–918.

15. Canchao Yang, Donglai Li,Longwu Wanget al. 2014. Geographic variation in parasitism rates of two sympatric cuckoo hosts in China. Zoological Research, 35: 67−71.

16.王龙舞, 杨灿朝, 梁伟. 2012. 海口地区高校校园鸟类比较. 海南师范大学学报. 25: 438-442.

17.王龙舞, 梁伟. 2013. 海南岛发现外来鸟种红嘴相思鸟和灰喜鹊. 海南师范大学学报.26: 291-293.

18. 夏灿玮,王龙舞, 郭冬生, 等. 2011. 高山短翅莺分布新纪录及其鸣声分析.动物学杂志. 46: 106-108.

19. 黄秋丽,王龙舞, 杨灿朝, 等. 2015. 八声杜鹃在两种缝叶莺巢中寄生繁殖. 动物学杂志. 50: 790-794.

20. 黄秋丽,王龙舞, 杨灿朝, 等. 2015. 长尾缝叶莺和栗头缝叶莺的巢址选择比较. 动物学杂志. 34: 2861-2865.

21. 梁国贤, 杨灿朝,王龙舞, 等. 2014. 三个东方大苇莺种群大杜鹃寄生率的变异. 四川动物. 33: 673-677.



