3、 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,项目编号:20120181120087,“绿尾虹雉的生境利用和栖息地评价研究”,主持(2013-2015年)
4、 中国博士后面上基金,项目编号:2014M550885,“川西高山三种濒危雉科鸟类的生境利用和生境分离研究”,主持(2014-2016年)
1、Xu, Y., Ellis-Felege, S. N., Carroll, J. P. 2017. Parental risk-taking at natural Northern Bobwhite nests. Avian Biology Research 10: 69-75 (SCI).
2、Wang, B., Xu, Y. (共同第一作者), Ran, J. H. 2017. Predicting suitable habitat of the Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii) (绿尾虹雉) using ecological niche modeling in the Qionglai Mountains, China. PeerJ5: e3477(SCI).
3、徐雨,王彬,窦亮,等. 2017.三种同域高山鸡形目鸟类的生境选择,四川动物36: 258-265.
4、Xu, Y., Yang, N., Wang, B., et al. 2016. Seasonal habitat use of a rare high-mountain Galliform species, the Buff-throated Partridge (Tetraophasis szechenyii)(四川雉鹑). North-western Journal of Zoology 12: 314-318. (SCI).
5、Xu, Y., Wang, B., Dou, L., et al. 2016. Estimating density of a rare and cryptic high-mountain Galliform species, the Buff-throated PartridgeTetraophasis szechenyii(四川雉鹑). Avian Conservation and Ecology 11: 10 (SCI).
6、Xu, Y., Yang, B., Dou, L. 2015. Local villagers' perceptions of wolves (狼) in Jiuzhaigou County, western China. PeerJ 3: e982. (SCI).
7、徐雨,王彬,窦亮,等. 2014.四川雉鹑育雏早期雌体与幼体夜栖地的选择.四川动物33: 641-645.
8、徐雨,王彬,窦亮,等. 2014.鸟类合作繁殖研究进展.四川动物33: 309-314.
9、Xu Y., Yang N., Ran J. H., et al. 2013. Social ordering of roosting by cooperative breeding buff-throated partridgesTetraophasis szechenyii(四川雉鹑). Ethology Ecology & Evolution 25: 289-297. (SCI).
10、Zheng, W., Xu, Y. (共同第一作者), Liao, L. H., et al. 2012. Effect of the Wenchuan earthquake on habitat use patterns of the giant panda (大熊猫) in the Minshan Mountains, southwestern China. Biological Conservation 145: 241-245. (SCI).