1. Jing He#,Qianquan Chen#, Yuanyuan Wei#, Feng Jiang, Meiling Yang, Shuguang Hao, Xiaojiao Guo, Dahua Chen, Le Kang, mir-276 promotes egg hatching synchrony by upregulatingbrmin locusts,PNAS, 2016, 113 (3): 584-589 (#equal contribution, IF = 9.67).
2.Qianquan Chen#, Jing He#, Chuan Ma, Dan Yu, Le Kang,Syntaxin 1Amodulates the sexual maturity rate and progeny egg size related to phase changes in locusts,Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, 56: 1-8. (IF = 3.77, Entomology Top 5%).
3. Jing Li, Zekuan Lu, Jing He,Qianquan Chen, Xianhui Wang, Le Kang, Xiangdong Li, Alternative Exon-encoding Regions ofLocusta migratoriaMuscle Myosin Modulate the pH dependence of ATPase Activity,Insect Molecular Biology, In press. (IF = 2.87).
4. 陈千权,曲家鹏,张堰铭,高原鼠兔繁殖期攻击行为的动态格局,兽类学报,2013, 33(1):63–67.
5. 陈千权,曲家鹏,刘明,张堰铭,高原鼠兔对炔雌醚、左炔诺孕酮和EP-1不育药饵适口性,动物学杂志,2010, 45(3):87–90.