现代农业产业技术体系(No.nycytx-1 5);中国烟草总公司重点项目“茄青枯病与烟草互作分子机制及其调控技术研究”(No.110201202002)
Qiuping Liu, Ying Liu,Yuanman Tang,Wei Ding*.Overexpression of NtWRKY50 increases resistance toRalstonia solanacearumand alters salicylic acid and jasmonic acid production in tobacco.Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017, 8: 1710.
刘秋萍,曹华,姚茂金,马英,邓斌生,权军利,单卫星.拟南芥与大豆疫霉菌的非寄主互作及一个感病突变体的遗传分析.植物学报.2010, 45(5):548-555.
Yuanman Tang, Qiuping Liu, Ying Liu, Linli Zhang and Wei Ding*. (2017) Overexpression ofNtPR-Qup-regulates multiple defense-related genes inNicotiana tabacumand enhances plant resistance toRalstonia solanacearum. Frontiers in plant science. 2017, 8: 1963.
Tobias Wunder,Qiuping Liu,Elena Aseeva,Vera Bonardi,Dario Leister*,Mathias Pribil.Control of STN7 transcript abundance and transient STN7 dimerisation are involved in the regulation of STN7 activity. Planta.2013,237(2): 541-558.
YingLiu, Dousheng Wu, QiupingLiu, ShutingZhang, YuanmanTang, GaofeiJiang,Shili Li,andWei Ding*.The sequevar distribution ofRalstonia solanacearumin tobacco-growing zones of China is structured by elevation.European Journal of Plant Pathology.2017,147(3): 541-551.
Tobias Wunder,Wenteng Xu,Qiuping Liu, Gerhard Wanner, Dario Leister*,Mathias Pribil.The major thylakoid protein kinases STN7 and STN8 revisited: effects of STN8 dosage and regulatory specificities of the STN kinases.Frontiers in Plant Science. 2013, 4:417.
Mathias Pribil#*, Omar Sandoval-Ibáñez#, Wenteng Xu#, Anurag Sharma, Mathias Labs, Qiuping Liu, Carolina Galgenmüller, Trang Schneider, Malgorzata Wessels, Shizue Matsubara, Stefan Jansson, Gerhard Wanner, and Dario Leister.CURT1-mediated thylakoid plasticity is required for fine-tuning photosynthesis and plant fitness. Plant Physiology.2018, pp-00863.