王龙舞,男,生于1986年3月,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。毕业于武汉大学动物学专业,研究方向为鸟类行为生态与进化,捷克科学院动物研究所访问学者(2023),中国动物学会鸟类学分会、动物行为学分会理事委员,中国第十五届郑作新鸟类科学青年研究奖获得者(2023)。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,其它省部级项目5项,在Proc Roc Soc B, Anim Behav, Behav Ecol,iScience等期刊上发表SCI等论文66篇。
8)贵州师范大学人才振兴 “学术新秀人才”培养计划,2023年度,10万,主持。
1) Wang, L., and Liang, W. * (2023). Random egg laying in host nests, rather than egg-matching, explains patterns of cuckoo parasitism. A Comment on Zhang et al. (2023). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290: 20231018.
2) Wang, L., Zhao, H., Luo, H., He, G., Yan, H., and Liang, W.* (2023). Importance of cooperation: how host nest defenses effectively prevent brood parasitism from the cuckoos. iScience. 26: 106458.
3) Wang, L., He, G., Yang, C., Møller, A. P., and Liang, W.* (2022). Nest size matters: common cuckoos prefer to parasitize larger nests of Oriental reed warblers. Animal Cognition. 25: 589-595.
4) Wang, L., He, G., Zhang, Y., Ma, J., Liang, W.*, and Møller, A. P. (2021). Cryptic eggs are rejected less frequently by a cuckoo host. Animal Cognition. 24: 1171–1177.
5) Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Liang, W.*, and Møller, A. P. (2021). Common cuckoo females remove more conspicuous eggs during parasitism. Royal Society Open Science. 8: 201264.
6) Wang, L., Yang, C., He, G., Liang, W*., and Møller, A. P. (2020). Cuckoos use host egg number to choose host nests for parasitism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287(1928), 20200343.
7) Wang, L., Zhong, G., He, G. B., Zhang, Y. H., and Liang, W*. (2020). Egg laying behavior of common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus): Data based on field video-recordings. Zoological Research. 41: 458–464.
8) Wang, L., Hsu, Y. C., and Liang, W*. (2020). Rejection of parasitic eggs by Yellowbellied Prinias: importance of egg spot location. Journal of Ornithology. 161: 987-994.
9) Zhang, Y., Zhong, G., Wan, G., Wang, L.*, Liang, W. * (2023). Brood parasitism and egg recognition in three bunting hosts of the cuckoos. Ecology and Evolution. 13: e10659.
10) Zhong, G., Wan, G., Zhng, Y., Zhao, H., Wang, L.*, Liang, W.* (2023). Nest desertion as an anti-parasitism strategy in hosts selects for late egg-laying behavior in cuckoos. iScience. 26, 108156.