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文章来源:  发布时间:2024-03-07 16:56:50  浏览次数:[]


贵州师范大学, 生命科学学院, 副教授



(1) 2013-09 2016-07, 中国科学院大学, 环境科学, 博士

(2) 2005-09 2008-07, 贵州师范大学, 植物学, 硕士

(3) 1998-09 2002-07, 兰州大学, 生态学, 学士


贵州省林业局, 科学研究, 黔林科合〔202313, 贵州杉木人工混交林树种筛选, 2023-01 2025-12, 在研, 主持


(1) Kai Yao; Aoli Zhang; Bo Rang; Junting Yang; Yingliang Liu; Yanyou Wu ; Hydrological niche regulation induced by different resistance strategies facilitates coexistence of P. longipes and L. communis under drought stress, Physiologia Plantarum, 2023.冬季, 175(6): e14072 (期刊论文) (唯一第一作者, 共同通讯作者 )

(2) Xiaoxiao Zou; Kai Yao; Fuping Zeng; Chen Zhang; Zhaoxia Zeng; Hao Zhang ; Diversity and Assembly of Bacteria Community in Lime Soil under Different Karst Land-Use Types., Forests, 2023, 14: 672 (期刊论文) (共同通讯作者 )

(3) KAI YAO; Yanqing Wang; Yanyou Wu ; Competition and Niche Differentiation of Water and Nutrients between Broussonetia papyrifera and Platycladus orientalis under Prolonged Drought Stress, Agronomy, 2022, 12(1489) (期刊论文) (唯一第一作者, 共同通讯作者 )

(4) Kai Yao; Yanyou Wu ; Rhizospheric Bicarbonate Improves Glucose Metabolism and Stress

Tolerance of Broussonetia papyrifera L. Seedlings under Simulated Drought Stress, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2021.春季, 68(1): 126-135 (期刊论文) (唯一第一作者 )

(5) 姚凯; 吴沿友 ; 氟离子和碳酸氢根对构树幼苗生长和碳代谢的影响, 林业科学, 2021, 57(6): 56-63 (期刊论文) (唯一第一作者 )